Thursday, December 6, 2007

Things I know so far

  • The CZ has not been under communitst rule since 1993. Tim's friends say that communism wasn't so bad; not like the communism we learned about in school.
  • Czech is a Slavic language; that's why my mouth doesn't want to make those sounds. It's used to Germanic speech patterns, where we're spoiled by having vowels between the consonants. Vowels are like a break for your mouth. I hope the Czechs appreciate that I'm trying!
  • Tampax are not sold in the CZ.
  • King Wenceslas, of Christmas song fame, is a national hero of the CZ. We will be touring his castle, as it is in downtown Prague. Gramma has promisesd to teach me the real words to the song (I only know the parody version).
  • Czech geology is pretty exciting. Lots of caves and marine sediments with little critter fossils. I'm sure there's some pretty great metamorphism in the mountains, but it will be fun to investigate! FYI: geology maps in the US use a different color scheme than other countries. This is good to know ahead of time, because otherwise you look at the map and say "what the hell was going on here!?"
  • There are no Reece's Peanut Butter Cups sold in the CZ.
  • There is no Vaseline Intensive Care sold there, either.
  • Prague was one of the few cities not bombed heavily during WW I & II. The result is that there are many old (not like North American "old"- really old!) buildings and institutions still in existance. I'll post many photos once I get there.
  • Some of the best beer in the world (well, my favorite, anyway) is produced in the CZ. Urquell (which I like to call "Erkle" because it makes the snooty bartenders mad) is the big one, but Tom the Czech Bartender (not snooty) tells me that even their worst beer is better than most American beer. I assume he's talking about Coors and PBR, because the PNW has some pretty awesome beer! In the interest of scientifically determining the quality of the beer, I will experiment much and report my findings.
  • The CZ is not quite as big as Oregon or Colorado.

Okay, that is all for now. Thank you for visiting!


Anonymous said...

Very interesting's a couple of items to add to your list.
My two favorite famous Czechs:
Vaclav Havel
Milan Kundera

Timmay said...

2 Things:

Only a couple people expressed that communism wasn't that bad but yes I have heard that from people here that lived through it.

And the beer sucks!!! No it's not bad but it is all Pilsners. No IPA, no heffewiessen, no porter, no stout, and no red ales. Just pale ale.